Gotham is a show based around the early days of Jim Gordon whilst working on the CGPD while Batman's future villains' origins are shown.
Now I was really exited for this series to premiere. The trailer made it look good and the show looked visually stunning in terms of the city.
While I must say that Gotham is a very pleasing experience for Batman fans, I also have to say that it has many flaws, but not any that it can't overcome in the future if given the chance (after all Fox is known to cancel shows).
As of now there are 5 episodes out and each of them are more enjoyable to watch than the previous one as it feels as though the show is learning from its mistakes as it goes on. The show doesn't really knows what it wants to be yet, and whilst that makes for a sloppy first season (as shows like Arrow proved can be corrected over time) it also gives it potential to be a show much bigger than itself.
This season primarily focuses on Jim Gordon's relationship with Harvey Bullock and Bruce Wayne. Now I liked Bruce Wayne during the first episode as I felt he had some sort of purpose to be there. Having him as one of the main characters really bothers me because nearly every scene he's in foreshadows the fact that he will be Batman one day, which sort of contradicts the whole point of the show.
However, everything to do with the penguin in this show, I love. It's what works best, we get to see Penguins origin story told through television which means a lot of character development has place. I think who ever is doing Cobblepot is doing a great job even though I still can't see any of the personalities we know him by and I'm sure the show will progress into him becoming the Penguin we're all familiar with.
Jim Gordon is a cool main character. He's the new kid in the playground and he has a lot of authority so people don't want him to mess things up.
A really cool moment on the pilot is when they want him to kill the Penguin but he can't bring himself to do it and lets the penguin go.
But other than that I think that there are lots of things the show still needs to work on, but right now it looks amazing, has some really engaging plot lines (Maronni, the Penguin and Gordon on the table was such an intense sceene!!) and I look foward to see where it goes.
Can't wait till the Joker shows up!!
So overall
Gotham is a visually stunning show. It still needs to find out what it wants to be and the way its doing that is by showing us what is has to offer and seeing what works or not and thats fine. Its really nice weekly entertainment and in my opinion a lot cooler than Marvel's Agents of SHIELD.
Obvs: How cool would it be if there was a huge time gap between every season ? Eventually we'd get Batman, the Joker and the Gotham we know and love!!
7.5/10 (Good but not Great)