Thursday, December 20, 2012


Tom Cruise incorporates the bad-ass book character in Jack Reacher.

Jack Reacher is a action film about a homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper who shot five random victims and he believes he is innocent. 

Coming into this film was weird because i saw all types of reviews and i thought it was going to be a dull action film as some of the reviews said. That is partly true however i thought this was a very enjoyable film with some great action sequences.

The dialogue in this film was good and i know some people are going to either say it's cheesy or bad-ass. That depends on you, i thought it could be cheesy sometimes but hey some scenes were really awesome.

Generally in a film you expect to be inside it and enjoy the ride and that is the weak point of this film, it's just a film. It's generic, although enjoyable. 

There are some mystery scenes, and you get intrigued in the case but nothing affects you deep down, and when you leave it was just a film.

The performances are great given by Tom Cruise who plays the anti-hero Jason Bournish kind of character, Rosamund Pike was generic, she was not good. David Oyelowo was good as well as Werner Wezog who impressed me.

There is a really good car chase scene, and this scene at the payphone that was bad-ass and i enjoyed the film while i was there.

I recommend you see it with friends just to have fun or maybe at the plane, don't go into this film to see a Bourne movie, with lots of logic and suspense (The movie does have it's fun suspense), go on to see a film and have fun.

So overall


"Jack Reacher is a fun action-packed film wich is made to give you a fun experience and succeeds if not taken seriously or given a lot of thought about."

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