Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I got to see a press screening of Monsters In in 3D.

Sulley in Mike are roomates whp work on an incorporation of scaring little children to power the monster city. Suddenly one comes inside the city panic generates as the top scarer Sulley finds his world crumbling.

This is one of the Pixar classics, they do not make them like this anymore. I think Wreck it Ralph was the best animation in the last years was Toy Story 3 and that came out in 2010.

Sulley and Mike try to protect the child as they have a guy on the trail who is jealous of Sulley, and tries to frame them.

The whole movie is great by itself, take your kids to see it and they will love this movie, i mean it. 

The 3D was okay, i am not a fan of these kind of films in 3D, but it was right to release it that way because when i was in the theater, it really seemed like the children liked it.

The voices are done b John Goodman and Billy Crystal, great actors.

The ending of the film is touching.

I recommend you see this movie if you haven't, i just think that it came out in a very bad time because The Hobbit is out and totally buys it. jack Reacher is coming out and that might be better.

I don't think there is any reason for this film to come out now, it's a great film it's just not worth seeing it on the big screen.


" As far as animations go Monsters Inc is a classic. However it's unexpected re-release that is out for no reason really is not worth a ticket prize."

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