42 is the story of Jackie Robinson who becomes a baseball player for the Brooklyn Dodgers and has to prove himself to others who judge him.
I was really looking forward to seeing this film because it just looked like one of those Oscar winners although it's coming out pretty early in the year, i just didin't know if it would focus on the baseball aspect of it and kind of take me out and it didin't.
As with these OSCAR winner films like Lincoln (which are GREAT films) can be boring to some people.
The score of the film is pretty great, not unique and very memorable but it does work whilst you watch the movie.
The acting was really good. It was brilliant actually, everyone just felt so natural and i can totally see that and appreciated. Everyone seemed like they liked what they were doing, especially the lead role of Jackie Robinson played by Chadwick Boseman, he gives and excellent performance and he's pretty much the one who stands out for me. Everyone else was good, but he's the one who stole the show (although the show was his in the first place).
Harrison Ford was really great in the movie, he showed me he didin't get lost in Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (everyone in that movie did), and he might get nominated for something. He's the familiar face in the film and he's great.Greatest scene in the movie is when Jackie Browns baseball bat breaks (that's in the trailer) and Harrison Ford goes to talk to him and the music cut's off. The dialogue is just spot on with that scene.
One of the main points here is that "Jackie get's hated by white people" which has been done a lot. Now even though racism was present not everyone was like that and they show it in the movie! Well done, you are the first to do that.
There were some scenes where the pacing slowed down but because the movie was so good i'm able to look past that.
I was emotionally invested and i can see whoever did this movie was interested and took care for it and that's a big plus.
And that pretty much sums up my thoughts on the movie and i think you should all see it. It's not that fun exciting movie but it is that good, slow paced film which might get nominated for the Oscar. Every time i see a baseball ad i'll think of this movie.
So overall:
"42 is a well acted and written, slow-paced take on Jackie Robinson's story, which will please most."
8.5/10 (Great!)
Have you seen 42 and do you agree with what i wrote?
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