In a distant future where Earth is a wasteland populated by the poor a factory worker takes on a mission to hijack his way onto a man-made space habitat for the rich.
I was very exited to see Elysium just because it is a follow-up to District 9 which i enjoyed.
There is a lot to enjoy about Elysium, i really dug it.
Matt Damon's performance was reasonably good, i liked him and his character but he hasn't got anything to challenging to do as an actor. However when i imagine someone saying his lines or just being his character (like Tom Cruise) i think he was really well cast and he nailed the part he got. He has some really fun sarcastic scenes.
Jodie Foster is the movie, she was fine in it and first time Brazilian actor Wagner Moura as well who didn't have a huge part but that being his first Hollywood movie, it's not bad.
Jodie Foster is the movie, she was fine in it and first time Brazilian actor Wagner Moura as well who didn't have a huge part but that being his first Hollywood movie, it's not bad.
The film is well directed, some shots were beautiful, specially the ones which showed the location of Earth and the film's script is much thicker than this year's Oblivion (which didn't do much for me as well).
The CGI in the film is top notch, as a science fiction you could expect that but it's still nice to believe what's been thrown at you.
The people in my screening LOVED the movie though, i had a lot of fun but the audience were clapping and screaming in the end.
The people in my screening LOVED the movie though, i had a lot of fun but the audience were clapping and screaming in the end.
The good performance in this movie that caught my eye was the villain's played by Sharlto Copley and he was great in the film.
Compared to District 9 i would have to say i prefer Elysium buti was more invested in the plot sooner in District 9.
I would say watch it in the theatre if you can so you can enjoy the special effects more and the sounds were very good as well in IMAX.
I would say watch it in the theatre if you can so you can enjoy the special effects more and the sounds were very good as well in IMAX.
The end of the movie really did it for me though and some of the action sequences really caught my attention.
You can see that this movie clearly leaves on a message to you
You can see that this movie clearly leaves on a message to you
Overall: Elysium is worth seeing in the theatre for a better viewing.
It's the best sci-fi of the year so far. Matt Damon has a very good performance, the action sequences are beautifully shot and the computer graphics are of very good quality. However, it does take a little long to get you invested.
9/10 (Amazing)
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