Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Critics opinions have been pretty shaken up about this movie. Some people really hate it, some people really love it but both of them agree that this movie has a lot of flaws.

I think that Man of Steel from start to finish is enjoyable, but we live on a post- Dark Knight era and that really influences comic book movies to the bone.

I am not saying Man of Steel is Dark Knighted at all. What i am saying is that Zack Snyder didn't get to make the movie he wanted neither did Christopher Nolan, the movie is stuck in between the vision of two great movie directors and never really knows what it is going to be.

This is a great movie, but it has the potential to be amazing and it's completely wasted by little distractions. At one point we get to see everything we wanted in the next movie and a few seconds later we are on to some action.

Yes, this movie has way too much action and great action it is but twenty solid minutes of film could have been chopped up to have more character development which Zack Snyder never let's us have.

One of the things that worked best about Batman Begins (being an origin movie) is that we have an hour and a half to care about Batman. In this we have twenty minutes. Snyder wanted to be different and have the flashback sequences be flashback sequences and not in the start of the movie in order to flash it up. 

You're having a reboot with characters we've seen before in action. Just have the flashbacks be at the start because they would have covered a great amount of character development.

And what was the deal with Clark's Dad in the film? We NEVER get to know him. Kevin Costner was amazing in this movie but we never get to see him and Martha make that descision of adopting the "Alien Kid".

I'm not saying i wanted thirty minutes of teenage Clark Kent facing his hormones like we did for ten seasons in the CW television show Smallville. But you might as well shoe-horn that in the start and have some of it as flashbacks later.

The Pa Kent death scene was amazing and could have been thrown before the scene Superman gives himself up.

Lois Lane never had to meet him as Clark Kent, that didn't work out in the movie. I know her knowing Clark is Superman is more realistic but doesn't that change your opinion about wanting comic book movies to be more comic bookish?

And even if she does meet him, she could have met him as Superman and then later in the end of the film realised he was Superman.

And i know i am saying a lot but they could have called him Superman a lot more in the movie. It would help to make it a more super-hero film.

The movie could have had less but more Jor-El. 

I loved the intro sequence in Krypton, i cared about the characters a lot but you didn't have to have him in Zod's ship because of Lois Lane. 

Lois shouldn't have been there in the first place anyways.

Instead of that you could have had Superman bringing the Jor-EL crystal. Problem solved.

However, there was great scene in there where Jor-El says to Superman "You can save her, you can save all of them." (which he doesn't by the end of the movie) but you could have had that later in  just before the scene where Superman saves Lois from the crashing helicopter as a flashback to when Zod was talking to him and it cut because that was fucking awkward. You could have also have has Superman save everyone in the crashing thus developing his "save them" personality.

People complain that Superman destroyed the whole city, i would have liked to see Superman trying to save the people a little more often in order to believe the end of the movie.

People also say Superman doesn't kill. I hate that argument. Not only is it nitpicking, it's bullshit.

If we look back to Superman 2, Superman kills Zod and all his crew just like he does in this film. He also beats up a civilian (a dick, but a civilian). Doesn't that make him a murdering asshole? Just because those movies didn't touch on that aspect with the John Williams music and all that doesn't make this movie a bad Superman film.

And even if he didn't kill, he would in this situation. He had no option, that no killing thing would develop later in the sequels. 

This moments has so many amazing bits where characters just talk to each other but Snyder doesn't use that. He wasn't confident with what he made and instead of the great scenes like the one where Superman is accepeted by the military and Perry White stays with Jenny Olsen and they simply "hope".

I wanted more of that and less big action. Of course, it could be in there but not be the main point of the film.

I never really got to know Clark Kent or how he lived. They never explore his character. The movie skips important and interesting steps in Superman's childhood in order to have more explosion.

Where was the humor during this film? Zack Snyder never really made this a hopeful film with humor like it should be. A little bit of humor at least. 

Some of the characters in this movie could have been done better, specially Lois lane but we get the explosions instead.

I know i've said a lot of bad things about the movie but i do really like it. The score is great, he action is fantastic and the intro is amazing. The villain, General Zod could have been explored more but i really like this take of General Zod. I guess i could have had some more things to quote by the end of the movie.

I really liked the ending to this film, i wasn't expecting to see Clark on the Daily Planet and that was a pleasent surprise. 

Man of Steel is one of my favorite movies of the year, it just has a lot of flaws but it's not a bad movie. I think of it as a flawed Superman version of Batman Begins. So many little aspects of the movie showed it's true capacity.


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