All Bad things must come to an end. But there are certain ways they should not end.
I am a huge Breaking Bad fan as is anyone who watches it. In this article i am going to talk about the ending of Breaking Bad and how it shouldn't happen. This contain spoilers for anyone who HASN'T watched the show.
5. Walt dies and all his money goes to his family as planned and Walt Jr. finds out about his dad's secret.
Right now you might be thinking... that wouldn't be so bad. How much would it suck that all our enthusiasm for the end of one of the greatest shows on television would end as planned. Of course, it could be fun if Walt JR found out his dad was the "now famous" Heisenberg who recently died and is now on the NEWS but too predictable and who cares if he knows.
4. Jesse dies.
If Jesse Dies we riot. I always saw the father and son relationship with Jesse and Walt. Killing him would be wasting great potential. Hell, he could even become THE ONE WHO KNOCKS
3. Skyler kills Walt.
How bad would that ending be? Nobody really likes the character of Skyler apart from Anne Gunn and making here kill "The Danger" would be shit.
2. Walt kills Hank and Saul Goodman is arrested
This ending would be awful. Walt kills Hank, it wouldn't even be a twist. I have no doubts that Walt would do it and it wouldn't be that shocking. It's like the first thing you think of when you think about what Walt will have to do when he find's out Hank knows. Goodman being arrested? Come on! Give these characters a decent ending, we love them!
And now the worst possible way AMC's Breaking Bad can end:
1. Walt dies. TWIST: Walt faked his death and is alive!
This is why this ending would suck. In 2011 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows did the "He died, wait, he faked his death and IS ALIVE". Then we had BBC Sherlock understandably doing it at the end of Season 2. Then we had at the end of last year's The Dark Knight Rises.
We all want to be surprised by the ending. Why does Walt have a machine gun? Is gonna go Scarface? Will he die doing it?
We can guess endings, the audience has brains. I want to be completely surprised by the arc that goes on at The Final Season (as they're calling it). I want a completely original ending. I want people to say the Breaking Bad ending and honestly... i think we will.
The Final Season of Breaking Bad Premiere's on August 11th on AMC.
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